There are many opportunities to serve friends, neighbors, and strangers both at church, in the community, and around the world.
Serve with us
Outreach and Missions
St. Francis in the Fields takes our Lord’s commandment to “love our neighbors as ourselves” seriously. Our mission and outreach programs extend beyond our parish walls, into greater Kentucky and around the world.

Each year, adults, youth, and children come together to build beds for Jefferson County Public School students who do not otherwise have a place to sleep. Parishioners purchase and cut
Loaves and Fishes Inc.
Loaves and Fishes Inc. feeding and support ministry is located in the Smoketown district of Louisville, and provides nutritional meals, legal counseling and spiritual empowerment to our disadvantaged neighbors in
Mission to David, Kentucky
A team of adults and youth (7th-12th grades) travels to David, KY each year during the summer to participate in a Vacation Bible School for the community and work projects
Mission to the Dominican Republic
Each year, adults and youth (9th-12th grades) from St. Francis travel to the Dominican Republic to work on work projects in the community of Samangola and help with a Vacation
Porch de Salomon Mission
Porch de Salomon is a unique and progressive non-profit ministry which, since 2005, has loved, served, and encouraged “the lost, the least, and the last” (and others!) of Guatemala’s Lake
Mission Driven Car Show
PLEASE NOTE: We were recently made aware that individuals posing as Car Show organizers have been soliciting money for registration and exhibition. THESE ARE SCAMMERS. Note that there is no
Louisville Fellows Program
The Louisville Fellows Program is a nine-month career-launch leadership development program for recent college and trade school graduates, forming them as marketplace and ministry leaders committed to enriching the culture
Serve with us
Parish Ministries
There are many ways to give back to St. Francis through your own gifts and talents. Whether you’re called to serve with our youth, assist with pastoral care, or help keep church facilities running, there is something for you to do here.

Pastoral Care Team
Our clergy and lay pastors are ready to support you in your time of need or join in giving thanks to God for life’s blessing! Our trained, clergy-led team of
Cub Pack 109 and Scout Troop 109
Cub Scout Pack 109 focuses on the four aims of Scouting: citizenship, character, personal fitness, and leadership. Opportunities to build friendships, develop outdoor skills, and give back to their community
Children’s and Youth Ministry Volunteers
There are many opportunities to serve with the children of St. Francis, including as Sunday school teachers, Nursery volunteers, Children’s Chapel leaders and more. If you’re interested in any of
Parish Life Committee
The parish life committee works together to make St. Francis a welcoming and hospitable place. This ministry oversees our greeter and newcomer ministry, communications, safety, and more. If you have
Serve with us
Worship Ministries
The support of our ministry volunteers makes our Sunday worship beautiful and glorifying to God. There are opportunities to serve as readers, ushers, chalice bearers, and/or greeters. If you are interested in learning more about serving during worship, please contact the parish office. For more information on singing in one of our choirs, please visit our Music Ministry page.
Serving as acolytes is an opportunity for youth (9th-12th grades) to become more deeply involved in the Sunday worship experience. Acolytes carry the cross, receive the offering from the ushers, and help prepare the altar for Holy Communion. If you would like more information about acolyting, please contact Raleigh Langley. Please see the current acolyte schedule here and acolyte training manual here.

Lectors proclaim the word of God by reading Old Testament and Epistle readings during our services.
Ushers assist by providing leaflets, taking attendance, guiding the weekly collection, and helping parishioners receive communion.
Chalice Bearers
Chalice bearers serve at the altar and assist with the distribution of Holy Communion, according to the instructions in the Book of Common Prayer. This is a great way to experience Communion as a minister and not just as a recipient.
Greeters make sure newcomers and returning members alike feel welcome and at home at St. Francis. They greet people when they arrive, provide directions to various areas of our facilities, and answer any questions visitors may have.

Altar Guild
Our worship begins and ends with the work of the Altar Guild. Members of the Altar Guild care for the sacred items used for worship every week and during special services. Altar Guild teams take turns serving every six weeks. Rotating teams also take turns caring for the altar after worship on Sunday. These vital duties remind us that God is in all parts of our life, and that preparing for worship is a necessary element of worship. For more information about this ministry, please contact the front office.
Serve with us
Music Volunteer
We are always looking for singers and musicians to help praise God through song. Our choir sings every Sunday, and we invite musicians to accompany our services on piano, brass, or string instruments as well. If you are interested in volunteering to play or sing, please contact our Music Director, Dr. Kirk Rich.