St. Clare’s Needlepoint Guild

For years, a team of faithful needlepointers have lovingly crafted the kneelers you see every Sunday. Now we are inviting you to help support our new needlepoint guild: the St. Clare Guild. St. Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of needlepointers and sewers and was a close friend of St. Francis, our patronal saint. Please consider supporting this new ministry either by helping to needlepoint new kneelers, or by sponsoring a kneeler. If are interested in needlepointing (no previous experience required!) please contact Elizabeth Gilette to volunteer.

If you would like to sponsor a kneeler ($250 per kneeler) in honor of a loved one, please do so on Realm, or by contacting Tracie Utter.

Interested in the history of our existing kneelers? Click the button below to fine out more in our living spreadsheet of kneelers and stitchers!