About Us

Welcome to St. Francis in the Fields! Learn more about who we are, what we do, and our passion for the Good News of Jesus Christ.

What We Believe

Grounded in the Gospel

We never tire of hearing about the good news of what God has done for the world in Jesus. Our worship is steeped in Holy Scripture, and we encounter God’s Word in the prayers we pray, in the songs we sing, and in our preaching. Every week, we hear about the burdens of the world, the love of God in Jesus, and the promise of mercy and forgiveness.

Focused on Formation

At the end of every service we are sent out with a blessing that prays that the “peace of God” will “keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge and Love of God.” We take that promise very seriously and endeavor to challenge both the heart and the mind with the good news of God in Christ. We seek to equip people so they can not only deepen their faith, but bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ into their homes, schools, and workplaces. Engagement of the heart and mind lies at the core of what we do here and is integrated into our programs and teaching for all ages.

Click below to access our 2024 Annual Parish Report.

Embracing our Anglican Heritage

St. Francis in the Fields is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We are committed to the “faith once delivered to all the saints” (Jude 4), which we share with Anglicans around the world:

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the revealed Word of God.

We believe that The Nicene Creed is the sufficient statement of the Christian Faith.

We believe in the centrality of the two Sacraments instituted by Christ: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

We believe in the leadership of bishops, who lead our churches in the lineage of the Apostles.

Meet our

Clergy & Staff

The Rev. Clint Wilson

Fr. Clint Wilson was called as Rector of St. Francis in December 2019. Before coming to St. Francis he served parishes in Denver, CO, Denton, TX, and Nashville, TN.

The Rev. W. Raleigh Langley, III
Associate Rector for Pastoral Care, and Missions; Interim Director of Youth Ministry

Raleigh has served St. Francis since 1990, first as Youth Minister, and more recently as Associate Rector for Pastoral Care, Families, and Mission.

The Rev. Barbara White
Associate Rector for Worship, Formation, and Communications

Mthr. Barbara works with ministry leaders to offer worship that is beautiful and glorifies the Living God, and helps oversee formation opportunities so that the adults of St. Francis can deepen their walk with Christ.

The Rev. Jennifer Grady
Director of Children’s Ministry

As Director of Children’s Ministry, Mthr. Jennifer oversees Sunday Childcare, Sunday School, Children’s Chapel, Junior Youth Group and Crossroads, the Wednesday Night Bible program for children.

The Rev. Chuck Ellestad
Priest Associate

The Rev. Charles D. "Chuck" Ellestad originally hails from Madison, Wisconsin, and earned both his Bachelor of Science in chemistry and Master of Arts in history from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Emily Feeney
Parish Administrative Officer

Emily was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky and studied at the University of Louisville (Associates), Indiana University Southeast (Bachelors), and Sullivan University (Masters).

Karen Enderle
Communications Manager

Karen is a lifelong Episcopalian and has been a member of St. Francis in the Fields since 2011. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in English and history from Centre College, and Master of Divinity from Boston University School of Theology.

Tracie Utter, CPA
Parish Accountant

Tracie has been a member of St Francis since her teen years and a certified public accountant since 1992. She has spent her career working in Louisville for a variety of companies, from high-profile public companies to entrepreneurial endeavors.

Caroline Eager
Executive Assistant to the Rector

Caroline has been a member of our parish since 1984 and has been involved in parish life, the vestry, two capital campaigns, missional efforts, ALPHA, Sunday school, and much more.

Dr. Kirk M. Rich
Director of Music

Kirk was appointed Director of Music in August 2023. Prior to coming to St. Francis, he served parishes in Houston, TX, and Atlanta, GA.

Jessica Vanover
Cherub Choir Director

Jessica Vanover has had a lifelong career devoted to children and youth music education in spiritual formation.

Hayden Ives-Glasgow
Organ Scholar

Hayden Ives-Glasgow is a native of Columbus, Ohio. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree in organ performance from the University of Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music.

Daniel Grotz
Organ Scholar

Daniel Grotz grew up in Culpeper, Virginia, and studied English literature and organ performance at the University of Virginia.

Theresa Wilson
Director of Louisville Bridge Fellows

Theresa Wilson is the director of St. Francis's Louisville Fellows Program, a leadership development program for recent college graduates forming them as marketplace and ministry leaders committed to enriching the culture of our city.

Danny Morrison
Director of Facilities

As Director of Facilities, Danny maintains the wellbeing of our church building and works to maximize the beauty and utility of our grounds.

Alison Kemper
Children's Ministry Assistant

As Children’s Ministry Assistant, Alison staffs the nursery on Sundays, provides materials for the Sunday School teachers, and plans and executes church events such as the Teddy Bear Tea, St. Timothy’s Craft Fair, Goody Two Shoes Consignment sales and Vacation Bible School.

Scott Calvert

As the St. Francis Sexton, Scott plays a key role in maintaining the church building and grounds.

Nathan Dearen

Nathan Dearen grew up in Crestwood, Kentucky, and studied Aeronautical Engineering Technology at Purdue University.

Kevin Picklesimer

Kevin is a seminarian at Nashotah House Theological Seminary, discerning a call to the Diaconate.


The St. Francis in the Fields vestry serves as the “board of directors” for our parish, and is made up exclusively of lay leaders. The vestry oversees the day-to-day operations of the parish executed by clergy and staff and engages in long-range planning to achieve our vision. Vestry members are elected to a three-year term at our Annual Parish Meeting, and they are expected to be regular, pledging members of St. Francis and to demonstrate a commitment to the well-being of the parish and their personal faith. The proceedings of vestry meetings are open to anyone in the parish and meeting minutes are available upon request.

Current Vestry Members

Term ending 2026: Blair Bell, Andrew Booker (Senior Warden), Robert Cregor, Joanna Panning, Vicki Receveur

Term ending 2027: Joe Cross, David Laird, Amber Picklesimer, Matt Price, Mitzi Root

Term ending 2028: Sam Ellington, Mark Eriks, Caroline Lussky, Tanya Marquardt, Lauren Theobald

Appointees: George Vieth (Treasurer), Bill Receveur (Properties Committee), Katie Booker (Parish Life Committee)

St. Francis in the Fields

Our History

Community Roots

St. Francis in the Fields Episcopal Church was founded by a group of 30 neighbors, friends, and relatives gathered at the foot of Harrods Creek just outside of Louisville, Kentucky, in 1946. They were in search of a place to worship God and a Christian environment in which to raise their children. They rented a small Baptist church, where they and their 31 children attended their first service on Christmas Eve, 1946. The Rev. Robert Clingman was called to serve as the first rector. Sunday School classes were held at Walter Bader’s grocery store, and adult confirmation classes took place at the Chick Inn.

Coming Home

By 1948, the congregation had outgrown the small Baptist chapel. They purchased seven and a half acres of wooded land on Wolf Pen Branch Road and built a beautiful Georgian sanctuary and rectory there. They started a primary day school, and the church soon became a center of community activity, offering baby care, tuberculosis clinics, and other community services.

Legacy of Service

In 1953, the Rev. Stephen R. Davenport was called as rector, a role he would fill for nearly 30 years. The church became known for its strong music program, a legacy we uphold to this day. In 1954, the church added a new education wing and fellowship hall to support the growing community. The day school became St. Francis School, with a school grounds in Goshen and later a high school in downtown Louisville.

New Fruit

The parish continued to grow throughout the 1960s and 1970s. The children of the founders brought their own children to church, where they were joined by families from the growing neighborhood. In 1982, the Rev. Robert T. Jennings was called as rector. By the 1980s, St. Francis was the largest Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Kentucky. The church grew so much that in the early 1990s, it outgrew the worship space and services were held in the fellowship hall. In 1995, we moved into our current worship space, which offers more room for worship while staying true to the lovely design of the original church.

Forward in Faith

The Rev. Robert T. Jennings retired in 2014 and The Rev. Dr. John D. Koch, Jr. became the fourth rector at St. Francis in the Fields. In February of 2020, The Rev. Clint Wilson joined as the fifth rector. We’ve continued to adapt to the changing needs of our community and world while staying true to the vision of our founders: beautiful worship, robust Christian formation, and energetic mission in our community and around the world.

The Rev. Clint Wilson

502-228-1176, ext. 2824

Fr. Clint Wilson was called as Rector of St. Francis in December 2019. He is originally from Birmingham, Alabama, and studied Biblical Studies and Theology at Denver Seminary in Colorado and Nashotah House Theological Seminary in Wisconsin on his eventual path to ordination. Before coming to St. Francis, he served parishes in Denver, Colorado; Denton, Texas; and Nashville, Tennessee. Fr. Clint is married to his college sweetheart, Theresa, and together they have a son and a dog, both of whom require many treats! They are passionate about the reconciling power of the Good News of Jesus Christ, and they believe the local church is, in all its flaws and joys, the place where all creation is called to rest in the finished work of Christ.

The Rev. Raleigh Langley

Associate Rector for Pastoral Care, Family Ministry, and Missions

Raleigh has served St. Francis since 1990, first as Youth Minister, and more recently as Associate Rector for Pastoral Care, Families, and Mission. He attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. Raleigh is passionate about building relationships and trust among Christians of every age and walk of life, so that we learn to care for one another in joy and sorrow. He is married to Kristin and they have one daughter, Emma. 

The Rev. Barbara White

Associate Rector for Worship, Formation and Communications

Mthr. Barbara works with ministry leaders to offer worship that is beautiful and glorifies the Living God, and helps oversee formation opportunities so that the adults of St. Francis can deepen their walk with Christ. She was ordained to the Transitional Diaconate in the Diocese of Northern California in June 2021, and ordained to the Priesthood in Diocese of Kentucky in December 2021. Before attending seminary in Austin, TX, she studied International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego and worked in public policy and communications. Mthr. Barbara is married to Joshua who works as a management consultant, and they are the parents of a baby girl. 

The Rev. Jennifer Grady

Director of Children’s Ministry

Jennifer has been with St. Francis since 2012. As Director of Children’s Ministry she oversees Sunday Childcare, Sunday School, Children’s Chapel, Junior Youth Group and Crossroads, the Wednesday Night Bible program for children. Jennifer has a Masters of Theological Studies from Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is married to Dr. Kristopher Grady and has two daughters, Abigail and Lydia.

The Rev. Chuck Ellestad

Priest Associate

The Rev. Charles D. “Chuck” Ellestad originally hails from Madison, Wisconsin, and earned both his Bachelor of Science in chemistry and Master of Arts in history from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 1978, he earned another Master of Arts from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, followed by a Master of Divinity from Nashotah House Theological Seminary, where he was trained in the Anglican tradition, in 1981. He was ordained to the diaconate in the Diocese of Milwaukee in 1982, and to full priesthood in the Diocese of Lexington in 1983. From 1989 to 2006, he served as Rector of the Church of the Ascension in Frankfort, Kentucky, after which he retired from full-time parish ministry. He worked as a hospice chaplain for Bluegrass Care Navigators since 2006, and has served as Priest Associate at St. Hubert’s Church in Clark County.


Chuck is married to Jean, whom he met in class at UW, where she was also earning her MA in history. They have two children: David, a mechanical engineer in Duluth, Minnesota; and Karen (Enderle), who serves as Communications Manager at St. Francis in the Fields.

Emily Feeny

Parish Administrative Officer

Emily was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky and studied at the University of Louisville (Associates), Indiana University Southeast (Bachelors), and Sullivan University (Masters). Before coming to St. Francis, she worked as a Business Administrator for another local church and most recently an Executive Director for a post-secondary school. Emily is married to Kyle, and they have two amazing children Connor and Katie. Emily spends her free time watching Katie play soccer as a goalkeeper, going to the lake, and wrangling their 4 dogs! 

Karen Enderle

Communications Manager

Karen is a lifelong Episcopalian and has been a member of St. Francis in the Fields since 2011. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in English and history from Centre College and Master of Divinity from Boston University School of Theology. She has a passion for the written word, graphic design, and the art of Anglican liturgy. At St. Francis, she coordinates internal and external communications via the website, church-wide publications, Sunday leaflets, and social media, and assists with day-to-day operations. She is married to JR, a software developer, and enjoys playing trivia, antiquing, and cheering on her beloved Arsenal FC.

Tracie Utter, CPA

Parish Accountant

Tracie has been a member of St Francis since her teen years and a certified public accountant since 1992. She has spent her career working in Louisville for a variety of companies, from high-profile public companies to entrepreneurial endeavors. This range of experiences has shaped her problem-solving skills and allowed her to become an integral part of the leadership team day-one. She values her team members’ trust as well as her fellow parishioners’.

Tracie has been married to Chris Utter since 1992 and has two children, Taylor and Connor. Both were baptized and raised at St Francis and are now young adults pursuing their own careers. Her parents, Tom and Janet Dieruf, are also members of St Francis, and her dad was the parish treasurer for over 20 years. It is her privilege to serve as parish accountant.

Caroline Eager

Executive Assistant to the Rector

Caroline has been a member of our parish since 1984 and has been involved in parish life, the vestry, two capital campaigns, missional efforts, ALPHA, Sunday school, and much more. Most recently, she led the Parish Life Committee and launched the Food For Thought ministry, recruiting a team of very faithful volunteers to assist. Caroline recently sold her business Liz & Roo, which she founded in 2011 and turned into a successful online and storefront company. She is married to Dave Eager, and their wedding was here at our parish in 1985. Together they have two children, Chase (Conley) and Paul Eager, along with two grandchildren.

Dr. Kirk M. Rich

Director of Music

Kirk was appointed Director of Music in August 2023. Prior to coming to St. Francis, he served parishes in Houston, TX, and Atlanta, GA. Kirk studied organ and choral conducting at the Oberlin Conservatory, the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, and holds a doctorate from the University of Houston’s Moores School of Music. He is married to Laura, Director of College Advising with International College Counselors, and they enjoy the company of their two Pomeranians, Gerre and Stanzi.

Jessica Vanover

Cherub Choir Director

Jessica Vanover has had a lifelong career devoted to children and youth music education in spiritual formation. After completing her Bachelor of Music in Music Education at the University of Evansville, Jessica felt a unique calling to devote the early part of her career as Youth Director at First United Methodist Church in Henderson, KY, while also maintaining a large studio of private voice and piano students. After moving to the Cincinnati area in 2016, Jessica served at the Immanuel School of Music, where she taught private voice, piano, and directed the school’s Youth Chorale. Formerly a music educator at Goodridge Elementary in Boone County, KY, Jessica recently relocated to the greater Louisville area, where she now serves as the music teacher at Painted Stone Elementary in Shelby County. Jessica lives in Middletown with her family. Her husband, Matthew, is the Executive Director of the Louisville Youth Orchestra, and her son, Charles, is a rising third grader, also at Painted Stone. In her free time, Jessica has been an active volunteer at her church, where she has sung in the choir and helped with hospitality ministries. Outside of church life, she and her family are avid Cincinnati Reds and Bengals sports fans.

Hayden Ives-Glasgow

Organ Scholar

Hayden Ives-Glasgow is a native of Columbus, Ohio. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree in organ performance from the University of Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music and is currently pursuing his Master of Music degree at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Prior to becoming organ scholar, Hayden served as Interim Associate Organist at St. Francis. He is married to Morgan Ives-Glasgow.

Daniel Grotz

Organ Scholar

Daniel Grotz grew up in Culpeper, Virginia, and studied English literature and organ performance at the University of Virginia. He recently completed the Master of Music degree at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, where he will remain as he pursues a doctorate. Daniel has served Episcopal parishes in Charlottesville and Ohio, including his most recent post as organ scholar of Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati. His hobbies include cooking, swimming, Pysanky, and, of course, English literature!

Theresa Wilson

Director of the Louisville Bridge Fellows Program

Theresa Wilson is the director of St. Francis’s Louisville Fellows Program, a leadership development program for recent college graduates forming them as marketplace and ministry leaders committed to enriching the culture of our city. Before moving to Louisville, Theresa served as the Executive Director of The Nashville Fellows Program for almost five years. Her passion for young adult leadership development began when she worked for a college in Birmingham, AL, in the student life department. It was during this time she realized she wanted to pursue a graduate degree that would enable her to engage in leadership development of college students and young adults long-term. Thus, she ended up pursuing an M.A. in Leadership from Denver Seminary with a focus in Student Affair in Higher Education through Colorado State University. The marrying of these two educational experiences has prepared her well to lead a Fellows program, as well as the experiences she had working in higher education at Colorado Heights University and the University of North Texas. Theresa is married to Fr. Clint Wilson, and they have a rambunctious 4-year-old son, James, and a tolerant 11-year-old dog, Denver. As a family, they love all things outdoors – hiking, biking, paddle boarding, exploring, and camping. They also love trying new restaurants, breweries, and distilleries – and all the more if they are with friends. They have a deep love of the church and have committed their lives to discipling those in the church and pursuing greater church unity as a witness to the powerful work of Christ in a fragmented world. 

Danny Morrison

Director of Facilities

As Director of Facilities, Danny maintains the wellbeing of our church building and works to maximize the beauty and utility of our grounds. He also ensures our spaces are prepared for the many classes, programs, and events offered at St. Francis, and for our weekly services in the Nave and Chapel. Before joining St. Francis, Danny was the Maintenance Director at Harmony Landing Country Club. He is enthusiastic about extending the life of our parish home and practicing wise stewardship of our facilities so that future generations of parishioners might enjoy them as we do now.

Alison Kemper

Children’s Ministry Assistant

As Children’s Ministry Assistant, Alison staffs the nursery on Sundays, provides materials for the Sunday School teachers, and plans and executes church events such as the Teddy Bear Tea, St. Timothy’s Craft Fair, Goody Two Shoes Consignment sales and Vacation Bible School. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Art/Education. Alison is married to Hamilton and has two girls, Ellie and Mary Hamilton.

Scott Calvert


As the St. Francis Sexton, Scott plays a key role in maintaining the church building and grounds. God has blessed Scott with talents to create and build products both in his professional career, as an Industrial Designer, and through participation in St. Francis outreach ministries such as Habitat for Humanity and Porch de Solomon. Scott and his wife Cindi have raised two children during their 39 years of marriage. They have been active members of St. Francis for more than 20 years.

Nathan Dearen


Nathan Dearen grew up in Crestwood, Kentucky, and studied Aeronautical Engineering Technology at Purdue University. He earned a Masters of Theological Studies from Duke Divinity School before returning home to the Louisville area. In May of 2023, He and his family were confirmed in The Episcopal Church and joined St. Francis in the Fields. Now a postulant for ordination to the priesthood, Nathan is continuing to work as a helicopter mechanic while pursuing a Diploma in Anglican Studies from Nashotah House Theological Seminary. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Alex Dearen and has two daughters, Lunette and Eleanor.

Kevin Picklesimer


Kevin is a seminarian at Nashotah House Theological Seminary, discerning a call to the Diaconate. He and his wife, Amber, have been married since 2013. They have two children, Eliana and Nathaniel. The family resides in Shelby County, where they enjoy teaching, gardening, and service. They have been active members of St. Francis in the Fields since 2021. In his professional life, Kevin has worked in data and software engineering since 2008. Since 2014, he has been managing engineering teams specializing in incident management software, fostering collaboration and growth in his field. Kevin’s studies at Nashotah House reflect his deep commitment to serving God and others. His discernment journey is grounded in a desire to integrate compassionate ministry with the leadership skills and experiences he has cultivated throughout his career.