Cub Pack 109 and Scout Troop 109

Cub Scout Pack 109 focuses on the four aims of Scouting: citizenship, character, personal fitness, and leadership.  Opportunities to build friendships, develop outdoor skills, and give back to their community are the key activity areas included in Pack 109 programming.

Chartered in 2022 and open to boys and girls in grades Kindergarten through fifth, a majority of Pack 109 Scouts attend Norton Elementary. Participation in Pack 109 involves meeting twice a month: once as a Pack (all members) and once with your Den (grade level group).  Generally, Pack meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month and Den Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at the church from 6:30 to 7:30.

Cubmaster Loren Wingfeld is an Eagle Scout and has twice participated in adventures at Philmont Scout Ranch.

To get involved, email Cubmaster Wingfield’s wife Kristin Wingfeld at

Scout Troop 109 is composed of boys ages 11 through 18. They meet on a weekly basis throughout the year and also have regular outdoor adventures, including camping, canoeing, white water rafting, orienteering, and cycling trips. Scouts take part in a wide variety
of community service projects as well.

Troop 109 is a place where members forge friendships, develop leadership skills, and learn important life skills like first aid, fire safety, and knot-tying, to name a few. Scouts uphold the Scout Law and learn how to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent human beings. Most importantly, it’s a place for young people to have fun, fit in, and enjoy time in the great outdoors without being glued to electronic devices!

If you are interested in more information about our Troop and how you can get involved, feel free to reach out to our Scoutmaster, Kurt Logsdon ( or to Committee Member Leah Link-Ulrich (