Christian discipleship is a lifelong journey. St. Francis in the Fields is blessed to be able to provide rigorous, fun, inviting, and biblically grounded formation opportunities for people of all ages. It doesn’t matter if you have been coming to church forever or are just beginning to explore; there are no experts when it comes to your walk of faith, and we take joy in learning and growing alongside one another at every stage of life.
Opportunities to grow
Children's Ministry
Jesus tells us to let little children come to him, and we take that instruction seriously at St. Francis in the Fields! While children are always welcome at our regular church services, we also offer a variety of opportunities for children to connect to their faith in their own way. This includes Sunday School, our Wednesday night Crossroads ministry, and even a cooking club! In addition to the regular offerings listed below, we also have fun family-focused activities throughout the year. For more information about our children’s ministries, please contact our Children’s Minister, Mthr. Jennifer. Please note that all Sunday School teachers and children’s ministry volunteers must complete Safe Church training and a background check.
Children’s Sunday School
During the academic year, toddlers through high school-age children meet each Sunday morning at 10:15 a.m. with their peers (by grade level) for a traditional, Bible-based Sunday School program. Classes
Nursery Care
While children are always welcome in worship, we also offer nursery care for small children who may struggle to make it through a full worship service. Nursery is offered at
Children’s Chapel
During the 9:00am and 11:15 am service, children are invited to leave the main church after the Gospel reading to enjoy a liturgy designed just for them! After the sermon,
On Wednesday nights during the academic year, after our optional community dinner, children though sixth grade are invited to Crossroads, a formation program with stories, songs, crafts, and games. Crossroads
Keeping The Feast: Kid’s Cooking Club
Our cooking club encourages children to get to know God and one another through food! See our upcoming events page for current offerings.
Vacation Bible School
This June, St. Francis is hosting a five-day Vacation Bible School for children ages four through 5th grade! Activities will include games, stories, crafts, and song and dance! This year’s
Baptismal Preparation
Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church. Families requesting the baptism of an infant or child are required to be active members
Opportunities to grow
Youth Ministry
Youth are vital to the life of our parish, and St. Francis has a strong youth ministry program. Our youth take on responsibilities for planning and implementing their own programs and are supported by adults who are mindful of the unique spiritual qualities of young Christians. The goal of our youth is to focus on their mission statement: “to love the Lord with all our hearts, and with all our souls, and with all our minds, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.” For more information about any of these ministries, please contact Fr. Raleigh Langley, Interim Director of Youth Ministry.
Youth Senate
The Youth Senate includes a representative from each grade, two chairpersons and our two youth ministers. This team helps implement the vision for our youth ministry and ensures that our
Youth Sunday School
Youth in 6th through 12th grade are invited to a youth formation hour, beginning at 10:15 a.m. and ending promptly at 11:00 a.m. during the school year. Confirmation class is
Solid Rock
Every Wednesday during the school year, after our optional community dinner, our youth gather in the Vicarage for challenging discussions about how the Bible relates to each young person today
Sunday Night Live
Sunday night activities throughout the year include game nights, rock climbing, ice skating, hiking, snow skiing, a Polaroid party and weekend retreats. See our events page for upcoming Sunday Night Live
Youth Missions
The youth of St. Francis serve our larger community through outreach projects and activities. They have helped others by taking mission trips to Mexico, North Carolina and South Dakota to
Youth Retreats
Retreats are a time to bond with others in the youth group and form lasting, Christ-centered relationships with youth and adults alike. We know that your children will greatly benefit
Acolyting is an opportunity for youth to become more deeply involved in the Sunday worship experience. If you would like more information, please visit our worship ministry page.
Opportunities to grow
Adult Formation
Adults of all ages and all walks of life are invited to explore the ways they can learn, foster their faith, and deepen their relationships with God and one another through Christian formation. From small groups, Bible Study, and book clubs, to forums with well-known speakers, there is an opportunity for anyone to learn and grow as a disciple of Christ. Audio recordings of our Adult Formation offerings are available on our Sermons and Teaching Podcast. If you have questions about any of our adult formation offerings, please contact Mthr. Barbara White, Associate Rector for Worship, Formation, and Communications.
Member Involvement Survey
As part of our ongoing work at St. Francis, we want to ensure that all members are involved in the life of the church and are as fulfilled by that involvement as possible. The goal of this survey is to better understand the factors that affect involvement. We know your time is valuable and appreciate any information you can share that might help our mission. Please click the button below to begin the survey.
Your responses will be shared only with the Member Integration Task Force.
Rector’s Forum Sunday School
Our main adult Sunday School offering, Rector’s Forum, is held on Sunday mornings at 10:15 am, during the school year. Topics range from books of the Bible, instruction on the
Tuesday Bible Study
For more than 20 years, we have gathered on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. to dive into God’s word and to grow closer to one another through fellowship. Each session
Wednesday Night Dinner
Each Wednesday during the school year we offer a casual, family friendly dinner for the whole community, followed by formation for children, youth, and adults. Dinner is served at 5:45
Newcomer’s Class
We hold regular classes for those who are new to St. Francis or to the Episcopal Church to get to know the community, and one another, better. Contact Mthr. Barbara
Adult Catechumenate
Adults who are ready to make a mature commitment to Christ are encouraged to participate in our Adult Catechumante program, which is offered every spring, prior to Easter to prepare
Small Groups
St. Francis in the Fields has an active small group ministry. Small groups gather in homes or at the church for members to pray, share Bible study, and to support
Food for Thought Speakers and Lunch
Food for Thought is a monthly speaker series for the whole community of Louisville. Each month during the academic year we gather for lunch and a guest speaker gives a
Men’s Morning Bible Study
This is an open gathering of men who meet each week to engage in the study of God’s Word. You are welcome to join us anytime, and bring a friend!
The Daughters of the King
The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) is a spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of prayer, service, and evangelism. The daughters have made a commitment
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew, founded in 1883 in a Chicago church, is a men’s ministry within the Anglican Communion that is dedicated to the advancement of the Gospel of
Summer 2025 Pilgrimage to Europe
Join us July 10-21, 2025, for a special pilgrimage to Paris and London (United Kingdom) with the St. Francis Parish Choir! All parishioners are invited to take part and experience