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Making and Growing Disciples of Jesus Christ

by drawing all generations into worship, formation, and mission.

We are an intergenerational Christian community in Louisville, Kentucky. We’d love to have you join us to see what the Holy Spirit is doing here.

Join Us In Worship

Holy Week

Maundy Thursday

7:00 pM

March 28

We celebrate Christ’s commandment to love one another as he has loved us, and to keep Holy Communion in memory of him.

Good Friday

12:00 pm
7:00 pm

March 29

Remembering Christ’s suffering and death for the life of the world, we intercede for the world in prayer as he interceded for us.

Holy Saturday

9:00 AM

March 30

This short, simple service remembers Christ resting in the tomb before Resurrection.

The Great Vigil of Easter

8:00 PM

March 30

The most ancient, sacred, and important festival of the Christian year! We’ll light the New Fire, renew our Baptismal vows, and celebrate the first Communion of Easter.

Sunday Worship

The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost | September 15, 2024

Holy Communion

8:00 AM


A beautiful,
contemplative spoken service in the Chapel using traditional Elizabethan English.

Holy Communion

9:00 AM


Contemporary language worship with choir, congregational singing, and Children’s Chapel. This service is also live streamed on Facebook and YouTube. 

Holy Communion

11:15 AM


Traditional language worship with choir and congregational singing. 

Holy Communion

5:00 PM


Casual and intimate worship with contemporary music and Holy Communion in the Davenport Chapel.

Holy Communion

8:00 AM


A beautiful, contemplative spoken service in the Nave using traditional Elizabethan English.

Holy Communion

10:00 AM


Contemporary language worship with choir and congregational singing. This service is also livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube. 

Holy Communion

5:00 PM


Casual and intimate worship with contemporary music and Holy Communion in the Davenport Chapel.

Holy Communion

8:00 AM


A beautiful,
contemplative spoken service in the Chapel using traditional Elizabethan English.

Holy Communion

10:00 AM


Contemporary language worship with choir and congregational singing. This service is also live streamed on Facebook and YouTube. 

Recital and Choral Evensong

5:00 PM


A recital performed by a local musician, followed by a traditional service of choral Evensong, presented by the St. Francis Choir, in the Nave.

Holy Communion

7:30 AM

March 31

A beautiful,
contemplative spoken service celebrating Christ’s triumph over the grave, taking place in the Davenport Chapel and using traditional Elizabethan English.

Holy Communion

9:00 AM

March 31

Contemporary language worship with choir and congregational singing. This service is livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube. Our children will also “flower the Cross” in celebration of Christ’s Resurrection!

Holy Communion

11:15 AM

March 31

Traditional language worship with choir, congregational singing, and incense, celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord.

Holy Communion

8:00 AM


A beautiful,
contemplative spoken service in the Davenport Chapel using traditional Elizabethan English, including a reading of the Passion narrative in observance of Palm Sunday.

Holy Communion

9:00 AM


Contemporary language worship with choir, congregational singing, and Children’s Chapel. This service begins in the Memorial Garden and includes the traditional reading of the Passion narrative. It is also livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube.

Holy Communion

11:15 AM


Traditional language worship with choir and congregational singing. This service includes the Palm Sunday reading of the Passion narrative and features incense.

Holy Communion

5:00 PM


Casual and intimate worship with contemporary music and Holy Communion in the Davenport Chapel, including a reading of the Passion narrative in observance of Palm Sunday.

Holy Communion

8:00 AM

Sunday, December 24

A beautiful,
contemplative spoken service in the Chapel using traditional Elizabethan English.

Holy Communion

10:00 Am

Sunday, December 24

Contemporary language worship with choir, congregational singing, and Children’s Chapel. This service is also live streamed on Facebook and YouTube. 

Daily Offices

Held in the Davenport Chapel

Morning Prayer

8:00 AM


A service of Morning Prayer as drawn from the Daily Offices in the Book of Common Prayer, coordinated and led by a team of clergy and lay leaders

Evening Prayer

5:00 PM


A service of Evening Prayer as drawn from the Daily Offices in the Book of Common Prayer, coordinated and led by a team of clergy and lay leaders

Ash Wednesday


Nativity Pagent

5:00 pm

December 24

Sing carols and watch our children relive the birth of Christ as recorded in the Gospel according to Luke. 

Holy Communion

7:30 pm

December 24

Celebrate the Feast of the Nativity with Holy Communion and sacred Christmas music.

Choral Concert and Festal Eucharist

10:30 pm

December 24

The St. Francis Choir with orchestra will present a choral prelude at 10:30, followed by a service of Holy Communion with choir and orchestra. This service will include incense. 

Christmas Holy Communion

10:00 am

December 25

Christmas Day service with carols and choir.

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Upcoming Events

We seek to glorify God by growing into the full stature of his Son Jesus Christ. We live out this faith by serving Christ both inside and outside the church walls in all the people we meet. 

Our Mission

Making and growing disciples of Jesus Christ through...


Worship is the foundation of all we do: as we hear God’s word spoken to us, and as we see his word broken for us, we are then nourished on him and remade into the Body of Christ. We seek to worship the Lord through excellent music, Gospel-centered preaching, and engaging liturgy.


Formation is the invitation to respond to grace by learning to love God with our entire being. We are committed to offering holistic programming that touches, heals, and equips each generation to follow Jesus Christ and love one’s neighbor.


Mission calls us forth as we respond to Jesus, who says, “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” (John 20:21) Mission happens as we are sent out to be, like Jesus, poured out for others: the stranger, the poor, the widow, the orphan, and our neighbors. (James 1:27)

Formation Opportunities

Grow in Faith

Sunday Formation

During the school year, we offer Sunday School for all ages at 10:15 a.m.

Speakers and Special Events

We regularly offer special speakers, retreats, and other events throughout the year. 

Wednesday Night Formation

Everyone is invited to join our optional Wednesday Night Dinner, followed by formation programs for all ages.

Group Formation

Small groups, devotional societies, and Bible studies offer rich learning and deep friendships.

Journey with

a community of love and service!

At St. Francis in the Fields, our walk with Christ and one another happens every day, not just on Sunday mornings. Whether you’re looking for a supportive small group, a way to share your gifts with our community, or a mission that brings the love of God to Kentucky and the world, there is an opportunity for fellowship and service for you here.

Stay up to date with our sermons, newsletters, and events.

We’d love to have you join us for worship. Check out our worship resources and learn more about how we glorify God at St. Francis.

We have worship and formation opportunities for all ages and walks of life. Learn more about formation ministries for adults, children, and youth.

Volunteer at church, in ministry, and in the community.