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This summer we are gearing up for our annual Build-a-Bed event on Sunday, August 25 starting at 11:15 a.m. in Graves Hall! We will begin right after the 10:00 a.m. service is concluded. We will provide lunch and then move into the event of building 30 beds for children in our community. We would love to have many volunteers to help on our build teams, to work as bed slat decorators, or to be runners from the bed slat decorators to the bed-wrap station.

We also need your help before then: Saturday, August 24, starting at 9 a.m., we will be having our “wood preparation” time. Lumber will need to be cut into various sizes and sanded in preparation for Build-a-Bed the next day. We need volunteers for this! If you have a hand sander, please bring it along.

We are also accepting monetary donations to cover the cost of lumber as well as donations of new twin sheets, pillows, teddy bears, diverse books, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. We would like 30 of each item so each child can have a bed blessing bag. Thank you for continuing to make this annual build such a special opportunity for our parish to provide beds for children in the JCPS system who need somewhere comfortable and secure to sleep!

To sign up, click the button below. Make sure to indicate which day you will be volunteering from the “Registration” dropdown menu.